T H E  E D G E  O F  D R E A M I N G

A Documentary by Amy Hardie

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Professor Mark Solms is a neuropsychologist best known for his pioneering research into the brain mechanisms of dreaming and REM sleep. International recognition includes the President's Award of the National Research Foundation.

"It's well established the first awareness people can have..." [read more]


Claudia Goncalves came from Brazil to work in Edinburgh, setting up the Shamanic centre with her partner Mark Halliday. A mother of two children, Claudia also helped set up the Youth Vision Project.

"Time and space, matter and mind, body and soul..." [read more]


Phyllida Anam-aire trained as a Montessori teacher and with Elizabeth Kubler Ross in her UK and US Conscious Living Conscious Dying workshop. She is based in Germany researching and running workshops on Celtic traditions of death and dying.

"There are six bardos in the Celtic knowledge..." [read more]


Drs. Amy and Arnie Mindell are in private therapeutic practice in Portland, Oregon and teach internationally. Dr. Arny Mindell is known for his development of the "dreambody" and "process work". He is the author of 19 books in 21 languages.

"We are always dreaming, not just at night..." [read more]

"Humanitas comes first and properly from humando, burying, in the earth." Vico