T H E  E D G E  O F  D R E A M I N G

A Documentary by Amy Hardie

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Amy Hardie, Director
"This film began 9 years ago." [read more]

Ling Lee, Editor
"When we started working together in July 2007..." [read more]

Cameron Duguid, Animator
"The section on Neural pathways..." [read more]

George Chignell, Producer (Passion Pictures)
"What has pleased me the most..." [read more]

Doug Block and Lorie Cheatle, Producers (Hard Working Movies)
"Personal documentaries are possibly the very toughest..." [read more]

"Because the earth has reabsorbed the dead into its elements for so many millions upon millions of years,
who can any longer tell the difference between receptacle and contents? " Robert Pogue Harrison

contact: a.hardie@eca.ac.uk