T H E  E D G E  O F  D R E A M I N G

A Documentary by Amy Hardie

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  Tear up the rules of Documentary. With The Edge of Dreaming they no longer apply. Yes, there's an investigation - into the nature and meaning of dreams. There is objectivity , with the views and insights of some of the world's most eminent neurologists and psychologists. But along with an outer probing of the latest scientific research, this is a very personal journey into the neural pathways of the brain, the darkest hours of the night and the indelible fibres of past relationships.[read more]

Preview from Stuart Delves: Eye for Film

  This is a woman who is enjoying her life - husband, three children, house in the Scottish countryside. As a sceptic and a hedonist, when she dreams of her horse's death, and wakes up to discover him dead, she tries to ignore it. But when she dreams of her own death, within the year, she begins to explore every avenue to avoid this dream becoming to fruition.

"I'm a mum with three kids, overstretched, loving it." [read more]

Director's Statement


Reviews, Interviews & Articles [read more]
Festival screenings [read more]

Press Kit booklet [PDF file]

Full Press Kit (Zip file, 60Mb) [download]
The Full Press Kit includes PDF of press cuttings and Photos.

Oscar Wilde's final words, as he lay dying (attributed): "Either the wallpaper goes or I do."

contact: a.hardie@eca.ac.uk